Almost everyone will get a headache at some point in their life. For many, they are a mild inconvenience that soon goes away, but for others, chronic headaches can have a profound impact on their lives. Each year, over 8 million people visit their doctor complaining of headaches.
Chiropractic manipulation is important to your overall strategy for controlling your headaches.
There are many types of headaches and headache disorders. Most minor headaches can be attributed to lifestyle factors such as stress, pregnancy, lack of sleep, and dehydration. Other headaches are classified as separate medical conditions based on their location, frequency, and severity. Specific types of headaches include:
Many types of headaches are caused or exacerbated by subluxations in the cervical spine. Visiting a chiropractor for migraines is becoming increasingly popular amongst those with the condition. Ensuring the correct alignment of your spine can reduce pressure on the trigeminal nerve, promote strong blood flow, and correct posture.
Typically, people tend to use painkillers as the first response to their headaches. While this might provide short-term relief, it does not treat the underlying problem and can lead to medication overuse headaches, which themselves do not respond to medications.
Lakes Chiropractic has successfully treated many patients who suffer from chronic headache and are the go-to chiropractor for migraines in the area. So if you’re looking for a safe alternative to medication, then book a consultation today.